Art Advisory

Working with long-time market experts, St. Mullins Fine Art of­fers a full range of art consulting services.  As requested by our clients, we can create an individualized art collection or purchase selected works as an investment.

From a solid pres­ence in the mar­ket­place, our experts have es­tab­lished sig­nif­i­cant part­ner­ships with world­wide mu­se­ums, gal­leries, auc­tion houses, pri­vate en­ti­ties, and ser­vice providers by negotiating transactions for works of Old Mas­ters to con­tem­po­rary artists. 

St. Mullins Fine Art’s goal is to source rare works of art at be­low mar­ket prices and negotiate opportunistic purchases and sales.  Our fo­cus is solely on meeting our clients’ targets, either as collectors or investors.  St. Mullins Fine Art maintains the high­est level of dis­cre­tion and in­tegrity, whether han­dling a sin­gle ac­qui­si­tion or build­ing a com­pre­hen­sive, mu­seum qual­ity col­lec­tion.

If you are interested in building your own collection or in purchasing artwork as an investment, contact us at:

Christian G. Fassetta
